Bizkit Barkery Box subscription

$24.99 every month

This subscriptions is for a VIP Dog Bakery service which includes:

Our Bizkit Box Includes:

A Bizkit box of decorated cookies created for the current theme of the month (4-5 treats)

One Package of seasonal crunchy biscuits (each bag is about 30 treats)

Package of Chews (Ingredients vary per season)

A soft-baked treat with the month's recipe, like a pupcake, Doggie donut, or pup bundt cake in pumpkin spice, apple cinnamon, carob Peanut butter, or gingerbread.

Extra treats for your pup’s Birthday/ Gotcha month (Mini birthday cake/ Birthday Biscuits)

At-Home Recipe - for use in Enrichment toys or make a seasonal drink for your pup

(excludes regular-sized cakes + cake toppers, pawty favor packages)


Please note: If you subscribe to our Bizkit box prior to the 15th, you'll receive the current month's box. If you sign up later than the 15th, you'll receive the next month’s box.